Two 火博体育 CLEAR program students taking notes in class

Career-Life Engagement and Readiness Program (CLEAR)

Learn to live a more independent and purposeful life. 火博体育's innovative Career-Life Engagement and Readiness (CLEAR) program is a college-based work program for adults with disabilities. With CLEAR, you will learn to care for yourself and find a meaningful career. Our 18-month program will teach you to dream big and reach your goals. You can even earn a Certificate of Occupational 培训 to help you start your career. Take control of your future with SJC's CLEAR Program.


By joining a career training program for people with disabilities, you can learn to advocate for yourself and find a work environment that best suits you. You'll be able to identify your strengths and have the space to discover your interests. You can build skills to find a job where you can earn money and live more independently.

In your classes, you will develop emotional, social, and career skills. Discover how to manage money, use computer software, and advocate for yourself. Learn how to take notes and study well. 到节目结束的时候, you may have the confidence and skills to complete an associate or bachelor's degree.

Why Enroll in the CLEAR Program at 火博体育?

Complete Our Work Program in Two Years

The CLEAR Program consists of four consecutive semesters: fall, spring, summer, and fall. Through the courses, you'll earn 34 credit hours. Each semester has a theme that you will follow:

  • 第一学期:职业兴趣发现
  • 第二学期:职业探索
  • 第三学期:工作实习
  • 第四学期:在职培训

With this curriculum, you'll gain lifelong skills that positively impact your life. Learn to live more independently while working at a job that matches your interests. You can even take your skills further and continue your education to earn a degree.

Friendly Classmates and Supportive 社区

The CLEAR Program is cohort-based, meaning you will take all your classes with the same students. Learn in a comfortable environment and get individual attention from your instructors. 因为队列规模小, you'll become friends with fellow students and get individual attention from your instructors.

As an SJC student, you'll also have access to many on-campus resources and community events. You'll experience college life, from going to the library to joining clubs. Through Clear, your instructors will mentor you and you will make friends.


因为 SJC的低学费, the CLEAR Program is an excellent investment and start to the next stage of your career. It is also a great resource in the local Farmington area. You may qualify to get the program tuition-free through the NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships.

What You'll Learn in the CLEAR Job-培训 Program

In just 18 months, you'll have the skills and confidence to become a more independent adult. Each semester, you will build skills in four categories:

  • 个人技能: Discover your strengths, motivations, and preferences. 练习如何驾驭世界.
  • 幸福技能: 开发技能, 比如烹饪, 锻炼, 和社交, so you can take care of yourself on a daily basis.
  • 技术技能: Practice communication and active listening, digital literacy, and financial skills.
  • 职业技能: Train for future jobs through classes and internships.


  • 基本的数学和写作能力
  • 写简历和求职信
  • 面试技巧
  • Self-responsibility, self-motivation, and self-advocacy
  • 记笔记和学习技巧
  • 调度

You'll also take part in activities that benefit your physical, mental, and social well-being.



Meet the director of the CLEAR Program and two of our students. Learn how you can get the skills you need to succeed in your personal life and the workforce at SJC.


Our Career-Life Engagement and Readiness program empowers students with physical or mental challenges to find employment in local businesses or continue their education. You will be qualified to start an entry-level position in a field that matches your abilities and interests. Some of our students also volunteer and take work-study jobs, especially if they continue their education at SJC.

Employers of CLEAR Program graduates include:

  • 红龙虾
  • SJC学生工作
  • 新墨西哥的弧
  • 德州客栈
  • TJ Maxx


联系 Kymbr Mordecki at (505) 566-3241 to schedule an intake appointment to enroll in the Career-Life Engagement and Readiness program. 在这次通话中, you'll learn about the application process, get details about where to send documents, 和更多的.


You must apply to 火博体育 to enroll in the CLEAR Program. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time! Choose your academic program as "Career-Life Engagement and Readiness (CLEAR)" on the SJC application.


电话: (505) 566-3241


m - 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
